Storyline: In this interplanetary adventure, shortly after arriving to help colonize Mars, an astronaut dies while giving birth to the first human born on the red planet - never revealing who the father is. Thus begins the extraordinary life of Gardner Elliot - an inquisitive, highly intelligent boy who reaches the age of 16 having only met 14 people in his very unconventional upbringing. While searching for clues about his father, and the home planet he's never known, Gardner begins an online friendship with a street smart girl named Tulsa. When he finally gets a chance to go to Earth, Gardner is eager to experience all of the wonders he could only read about on Mars. But after his explorations begin, scientists discover that Gardner's organs can't withstand Earth's atmosphere. Gardner joins with Tulsa on a race against time to unravel the mysteries of how he came to be, and where he belongs in the universe.
Nosferatu (2024) HD - N/A | |
Babygirl (2024) CAM - 6.0 | |
Henry Danger The Mov HD - 7.9 | |
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 HD - 7.5 | |
Back in Action (2025 HD - N/A | |
Wolf Man (2025) CAM - N/A | |
Love (2015) HD - 6.1 | |
Wicked Minds (2003) HD - 5.4 | |
Moana 2 (2024) mHD - 7.1 | |
Your Fault (2024) HD - N/A | |
Paprika (1991) HD - 5.6 | |
Kraven the Hunter (2 HD - 5.5 | |
Sniper The Last Stan HD - N/A | |
Mufasa The Lion King mHD - N/A | |
Den of Thieves 2 Pan CAM - N/A |
Babygirl (2024) CAM - 6.0 | |
Nosferatu (2024) HD - N/A | |
Henry Danger The Mov HD - 7.9 | |
Paprika (1991) HD - 5.6 | |
Your Fault (2024) HD - N/A | |
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 HD - 7.5 | |
Moana 2 (2024) mHD - 7.1 | |
Mufasa The Lion King mHD - N/A | |
Wolf Man (2025) CAM - N/A | |
Den of Thieves 2 Pan CAM - N/A | |
Love (2015) HD - 6.1 | |
Sex and the Office G HD - 4.8 | |
Wicked (2024) HD - N/A | |
Kraven the Hunter (2 HD - 5.5 | |
Back in Action (2025 HD - N/A |
Babygirl (2024) CAM - 6.0 | |
Your Fault (2024) HD - N/A | |
Nosferatu (2024) HD - N/A | |
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 HD - 7.5 | |
Moana 2 (2024) mHD - 7.1 | |
Solo Leveling ReAwak TS - 8.4 | |
Wicked (2024) HD - N/A | |
Mufasa The Lion King mHD - N/A | |
Gladiator II (2024) HD - 7.1 | |
Kraven the Hunter (2 HD - 5.5 | |
Paprika (1991) HD - 5.6 | |
Love (2015) HD - 6.1 | |
Den of Thieves 2 Pan CAM - N/A | |
Henry Danger The Mov HD - 7.9 | |
Wicked Minds (2003) HD - 5.4 | |