Watch Full Movie :Drone Wars (2016)

Watch Drone Wars (2016) Online Free

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre:Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller

  3. Director:Jack Perez
  4. Starring:Corin Nemec, Whitney Moore, Nathin Butler
  1. Writers: P J Chesterton, Neil Elman

  2. Release date: 30 Mar 2016

  3. Countries: United States

  4. Languages: English

  5. Runtime: 79 min

  6.   2.9

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Storyline:  Drone Wars (2016) In a flash, the invasion began and ended. Filled with smoke and fire, the sky is now littered with ships hovering above for miles in every direction. These ships reap the Earth of all its resources, while DRONES patrol the now-ruined cities, taking out anything that they deem a threat. Human survivors group together, desperately trying to resurrect any semblance of normalcy they once had. Amidst the chaos, a small team of scientists hidden away in the bowels of Los Angeles are all that is left to defeat the drones and take down the motherships once and for all.

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