Storyline: Forgotten Silver (1995) Forgotten Silver is a mockumentary which details the prodigious life of "lost" filmmaker Colin McKenzie and his incredible advances that were lost to history...until now. This supergenius filmmaker, posthumously inducted into the pantheon of cinema greats, made incredible advances in filmmaking technology, supposedly making a talkie in 1908 and using color film in 1911, but madness and poverty and the usual industry tolls drove him into obscurity.
Kraven the Hunter (2 HD - 5.5 |
Mufasa The Lion King CAM - N/A |
Red One (2024) HD - 6.8 |
Gladiator II (2024) HD-HC - 7.1 |
Homestead (2024) CAM - N/A |
Anora (2024) HD - 8.2 |
Venom The Last Dance HD - 6.1 |
The Brutalist (2024) CAM - 8.1 |
Moana 2 (2024) CAM - N/A |
Carry On (2024) HD - N/A |
Terrifier 3 (2024) HD - 7.4 |
Heretic (2024) HD - 7.1 |
Solo Leveling ReAwak TS - 8.4 |
Wicked (2024) CAM - N/A |
Trapped Inn (2024) HD - 7.5 |
Moana 2 (2024) CAM - N/A |
Wicked (2024) CAM - N/A |
Gladiator II (2024) HD-HC - 7.1 |
Red One (2024) HD - 6.8 |
Venom The Last Dance HD - 6.1 |
Boss Maam (2024) HD - N/A |
Elevation (2024) HD - N/A |
Kabitan (2024) HD - N/A |
Kraven the Hunter (2 HD - 5.5 |
Smile 2 (2024) HD - 6.9 |
Armor (2024) HD - 3.6 |
Heretic (2024) HD - 7.1 |
Dear Santa (2024) HD - 5.3 |
Absolution (2024) HD - N/A |
Despicable Me 4 (202 HD - 6.4 |
Moana 2 (2024) CAM - N/A |
Venom The Last Dance HD - 6.1 |
Red One (2024) HD - 6.8 |
Gladiator II (2024) HD-HC - 7.1 |
Wicked (2024) CAM - N/A |
Smile 2 (2024) HD - 6.9 |
Your Mothers Son (20 HD - N/A |
Boss Maam (2024) HD - N/A |
Ungol (2024) HD - N/A |
Elevation (2024) HD - N/A |
Terrifier 3 (2024) HD - 7.4 |
The Substance (2024) HD - 7.8 |
The Wild Robot (2024 HD - 8.2 |
Donselya (2024) HD - N/A |
Deadpool Wolverine ( HD - 7.9 |